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The challenges associated with finding host families

The challenges associated with finding host families due to the increased cost of living and the surge in prices are greater than ever, a problem that has coincided with the growing number of children in children’s centres.  RTVE interviewed Victòria

“Thanks to the family that hosted me, I was born again”, is just one of the phrases that attendees at the event were able to hear.

The event benefited from the participation of Ousman Umar (founder and president of NASCO Feeding Minds and CEO of NASCO Tech), Nadia Ghulam (human rights activist, writer and Afghan refugee) and Pep Planas (theatre and TV actor and mentor for a boy supported by the Foundation), who contributed with firsthand accounts of life with their host families. It was moderated by Khaoula Belbachir, head of the programme, and Laia Serrano Biosca Serrano, founder and director.

Want to read more? Read our press release here:

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